2024 JuNEWary Challenge
artwork by Thodsapol Thongdeekhieo


What's this?

From day 2, this system allows you to put your existing printed music from previous days back into your printer, and will only print the newest material, spaced so as to not interfere.  

So long as you load it the right way in your printer, this will reduce paper usage - but you may want to get familiar with your printer set up before trying this!

Welcome to your  JuNEWary Challenge 2024! 

Yes, JUNE!

To complement our January offering, we are delighted to bring to you this second gorgeous piece for 2024, and in a lovely full circle moment this piece is from Karen Marshalsay, our original contributor and composer in residence!

2024 is a special year for Harps North West as it is our 20th year, and we are so grateful to all who have joined us along the way as we've grown and flourished!  On that note, it's worth looking back on a little bit of history...

Looking back:

Our month-long intensive music learning challenge began in November 2015, with one stunning piece from the marvellous Karen Marshalsay. Participants spent the entire month on “Tracey’s Wriggly Jig” and it was quite the achievement to make it to the end! We listened to feedback and adapted, changing the month to January and also length of the pieces, introducing more than one piece in the month to provide shorter, more manageable challenges that people could pick and choose from.

Over the subsequent years, we have continued to listen and respond to need. We are so proud that HNW was offering this style of access to learning and connection across the globe long before it became a necessity in 2020, and our ability to adapt allows us to continue to offer our members flexibility and access to great music from the comfort of your own home.

THIS YEAR, in response to feedback, we are delighted to be bringing new music to you in this SECOND of two separate months!


We start the month as always on June 1st, with Karen's beautiful new piece, The Lade. On each teaching day there are two videos - one to teach the section, and one that allows you to playalong at different speeds.

June 3rd, 6th, and 9th are rest days - a great opportunity to catch up, consolidate what you have already learned, and to pull the music together into a cohesive piece, using the playalong video supplied those days.

We have our final video offering on the 11th, pulling the entire piece together, before our LIVE ZOOM session on FRIDAY 14th, where you can play alongside fellow participants around the globe have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. There are no daft questions - if you are wondering something, chances are someone else is too!

(Videos will go live at 6am BST on the relevant day -

if need be, refresh page to activate)

Mary highlights fingering a lot in this particular challenge... as a special treat for this month there are more sheet music options!  In addition to the usual paper-saving options (where you insert the same page back into the printer and only print the newest section), there are also clean (unmarked) and marked up (fingered) options.

Day 11 - FINAL DAY!

Rest Day - Playalong Video

No new music today - but a chance to consolidate what you have learned, and work on the flow

Day 10

Day 9

Rest Day - Playalong Video

No new music today - but a chance to consolidate what you have learned, and work on the flow

Day 8

Day 7

Teaching Video

Playalong Video

Day 6

Rest Day - Playalong Video

No new music today - but a chance to consolidate what you have learned

Day 5

Day 4

Day 3

Rest Day - Playalong Video

No new music today - but a chance to consolidate what you have learned

Day 2

Day 1

Teaching Video

Playalong Video

CLEAN SHEET MUSIC DOWNLOAD (no fingering markings)

MARKED UP SHEET MUSIC DOWNLOAD (with Mary's fingerings as per video)